Swimming at Level 2: more people

As the Prime Minister promised, we moved from Level 3 to Level 2 after a couple of weeks (11.59pm on Wednesday 13 May).

This meant very little for me, as life and work continued in much the same way. I suspect this was the same for a lot of people who still worked from home, shopped carefully and as infrequently as possible, and generally avoided people.

The big change at Level 2 is that the regulations permitted group activities (with care taken to stay a couple of metres apart and not congregate in groups of 10). From an open water swimming perspective, this was great: we could swim in groups and even have coffee afterwards. On the first days of Level 2, I swam at Worser Bay with Eliza or at Freyberg Beach alone-ish or with whoever was about. One thing I did notice was that it felt like a great thrill and a novelty to see other swimmers in the water and give them a wave and a shout. As more swimmers emerged from seclusion it was hard not to feel lit-up and merry to see people one hadn't seen for a while. The first weekend of Level 2 I did lighthouse swims on Saturday and Sunday morning with various different people. 


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