Relocated swimathon
Last year a group of Wellington swimmers travelled north to participate in the Swim for Starship Swimathon at Mairangi Bay. It was such a good day, and such a fun trip that I was very keen to go again in Novmber 2021. A group of 5-6 of us were also eager, and we booked flights. Of course, with the delta outbreak in Auckland going on and on, things had begun to look a bit sticky in October, and just when I was trying to decide whether to cancel and credit my flights, AirNZ made the decision for me by cancelling our flights. A couple of weeks later, Swim T3 put out an announcement that the Swimathon itself would need to be cancelled because of restrictions on large gatherings. Still, the opportunity to do a long day of swimming remained appealing, and as I needed to do a 5-6 hour training swim, I decided to do my own swimathon here in Oriental Bay. 27 November seemed like a good day to do it, so I set up a donation page for Starship and planned what I'd do. The Mair...